This strategy is true when the KDJ return value is larger than your buy or sell value when using a positive value. Or smaller than your value when using a negative buy or sell value.
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# Buy when KDJ is between -10 and 10
DEFAULT_A_buy_strategy = KDJ
DEFAULT_A_buy_value = -10
DEFAULT_A_buy_value_limit = 10
# Sell when KDJ is below 80
DEFAULT_A_sell_strategy = KDJ
DEFAULT_A_sell_strategy_direction = DOWN
DEFAULT_A_sell_value = 80
# Buy when KDJ is between -10 and 10
DEFAULT_DCA_A_buy_strategy = KDJ
DEFAULT_DCA_A_buy_value = -10
DEFAULT_DCA_A_buy_value_limit = 10
# Sell when KDJ is below 80
DEFAULT_DCA_A_sell_strategy = KDJ
DEFAULT_DCA_A_sell_strategy_direction = DOWN
DEFAULT_DCA_A_sell_value = 80
KDJ_candle_period = 3600
KDJ_length = 14
KDJ_D = 3
KDJ_smooth = 3
KDJ_K_Factor = 3
KDJ_D_Factor = 2